clinical electronic data capture

The Evolution of Data Management: Understanding Clinical Electronic Data Capture

Data management has undergone a significant transformation over the years, and clinical electronic data capture (EDC) has played a crucial role in this evolution. The process of collecting, storing, and managing data has become increasingly complex, driven by the growing need for efficient and accurate data collection in clinical trials. In this blog, we will…

a person signing a document.

How to Write an Informed Consent Form

Inform consent is the process of informing potential participants on the key elements of a study so they can make an informed decision on their participation. The informed consent process is central to the ethical conduct of any study, and stakeholders should pay special importance to creating a robust form that complies with relevant rules and…

Remote Monitoring in using Electronic Data Capture

The Evolution of Risk-Based and Remote Monitoring in using Electronic Data Capture in Clinical Trials

As we all know, electronic data capture systems have completely transformed every aspect of the clinical research industry. CROs, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, and others are getting their hands on quality clinical trial data management solutions to speed up the process and produce effective results. Digital trials are the way to go, and researchers…