Person using laptop for DCT.

Terminologies in Decentralized Clinical Trials

With time, research organizations are becoming more efficient and patient-centric. The current research methodology embraces technological advancements and explores remote options. The COVID-19 pandemic has been critical in taking the research industry towards a virtual, flexible approach from the traditional brick-and-mortar site. This is where the decentralized clinical trial (DCT) model comes in, and today…

CTMS Implementation Costs Explored

CTMS Implementation Costs Explored

Did you know that over $2.6 billion is spent on clinical trials? Many pharmaceutical corporations and research institutions use clinical trial management systems (CTMS) to control these expenses and guarantee the timely completion of clinical trials. At a CAGR of 11.4%, the market for clinical trial management systems is anticipated to increase between 2022 and 2030.…

Impact of EDCs on Clinical Research

The Impact of EDC in Clinical Research

You may acquire and store data digitally using the effective data-collecting technique known as Electronic Data Capture (EDC). Data may be gathered from various sources, including paper forms, digital forms, and mobile devices, with the help of EDC, which is simple to use. To enter data, organize a database, and conduct analysis for clinical trials, clinical…

Man using microscope in a lab.

Exploring Screen Failure in Clinical Trials

A screen failure in clinical trials happen when potential participants undergo a screening process designed to determine whether they fit the study’s inclusion criteria, and despite fitting the criteria, they fail to enroll in the trial. While there’s no standardized screen failure information for different studies, some studies show a higher incidence of screen failure.…

Scientist running data in a lab.

The Connection Between Patient Centricity and eConsent

The research industry is changing rapidly and embracing patient-centric practices. When COVID-19 restrictions came into effect, a large part of the industry moved to remote modalities for the sake of research continuity. With these remote practices, researchers became more conscious of the participant experience and prioritized the participants’ comfort. That said, simply moving to remote research…