Digital Therapeutics (DTx) is a new concept that is gaining much traction nowadays. It can be considered evidence-based digital treatments or Software as a Medical Device SaaMD. They are quite different from the generic health apps that are freely available for download. These software or apps have undergone rigorous clinical research, regulatory review, and other monitoring mechanisms that ensure the highest reliability, efficacy, and safety standards.
The changing dynamics of the entire healthcare industry have led to innovations and the increased use of technology such as EDC systems for clinical trials, automated randomization techniques, and DTx. Even though digital therapeutics is a fairly new phenomenon, it is being closely observed by stakeholders involved in the healthcare industry. Let’s take a deeper look into Digital Therapeutics (DTx technology).
What is Digital Therapeutics or DTx?
As mentioned, digital therapeutics are software-based solutions that provide evidence-based therapy through the constant evaluation of behavior change and other important aspects. Like digital therapy or medicine, these software-based solutions are having a significant impact on health outcomes. Digital therapeutics rely heavily on digital interventions responsible for facilitating patient behavior.
Prescription or Monotherapy DTx
Digital therapeutics have developed considerably and are now categorized into two distinct forms. First is the prescription or monotherapy DTx, and the other is around-the-pill digital therapeutics.
Prescription, monotherapy, or standalone therapeutics work independently and are created to treat normal health conditions or prevent ailments. For example, if a patient is diagnosed with prediabetes, digital therapeutics can intervene to help patients enact a lifestyle change that can prevent the condition from going worse.
Understanding Around-The-Pill DTx
Around-the-pill or combination digital therapeutics provide the necessary services with another treatment, mostly a medication or a drug. They provide patients with assistance in helping them take the right dosage at the right time. It helps patients to better manage the symptoms or side effects of consuming the drug.
Companies are working around the clock to provide patients and healthcare providers with effective DTx that streamline the entire healthcare process. Although anyone can work on DTx, it takes a specific skill set, expertise, and high capabilities to provide effective digital therapeutics.
Enacting behavior change and providing flexible treatment is not an easy task. Plus, you’d have to comply with various rules and regulations to ensure your product is efficient, reliable, and secure. Designers and developers also need to deliver a product that is user-friendly and easy to comprehend.
DTx and other medical research technology are bound to change the healthcare industry forever. From clinical research to pharmaceutical development, technology completely transforms the healthcare system.
How Can ClinicalPURSUIT Help?
ClinicalPURSUIT is playing an active role in transforming the medical research industry by providing CROs, sponsors, and clinicians with cutting-edge clinical EDC systems that streamline the entire research process. Our clinical trial data management solutions are helping clinicians ensure the reliability, validity, and integrity of their research data.
We also provide quality Randomization and Drug Supply Management, Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome Software, and EDC system for Patient Studies. Contact us to schedule a free demo today.