Delays and interrupted studies in new trials pose a lot of challenges for sites, patients, and all key stakeholders throughout the clinical trial journey. Given the recent Covid-19 pandemic, the value of virtual clinical trials in something that requires a closer look. When CROs invest in proven innovative technology that offers an array of virtualization solutions, they’re doing their best to respond to the various needs of sponsors with a competitive advantage.
The ability of a CRO to rethink which proven data solutions and innovative technology to employ can improve performance. It also puts their sponsors in an ideal position to thrive in case of future disruptions.
Here’s our CRO’s guide to virtual clinical trials.
Adapt to sponsors’ desired levels of virtualization
Adapting to sponsors’ desired levels of virtual clinical trials is important. To combat barriers in the virtual trial space and changing requirements, a platform-as-a-service approach can be helpful.
Be a site enabler through remote monitoring and virtual clinical trial oversight
Supporting sponsors in clinical trial oversight activities is one of the best steps CROs can take.
Power patient enrollment and retention in virtual trials
Powering patient participation and centricity is an integral component of transitioning to remote clinical trial participation. During the coronavirus pandemic, patient enrollment and retention have been quite challenging. To lower dropout rates, mitigate burden, and encourage participation, CROs should wisely choose patient-centric technology that can easily be integrated into the daily lives of the patients.

Hypertensive Participant in Virtual Clinical Trial
Use a unified platform for virtual clinical trials
Successfully transitioning to using virtual clinical trial solutions is coming out on top in terms of transformation and growth. The primary component for growth and optimal performance is a quick adaptation to unprecedented challenges.
Explore Clinical PURSUIT’s clinical data management and EDC solution
ClinicalPURSUIT’s clinical data management software can perform EDC (electronic data capture) for thousands of patients.
You can learn more by scheduling a free demo to see ClinicalPURSUIT in action. See how our EDC software solution can transform your next clinical trial!