Medical professional Looking Through Microscope

The Importance of Clinical Research

In a digitized era, where everything is depending on computers and effective systems, the medical industry also benefits from technological advancements. Doctors, researchers, and other medical professionals are able to carry out essential clinical trials to develop new treatments and procedures for rare or newly discovered diseases and conditions. If you want to learn why…

Clinical Data Management software

3 Critical Factors to Consider When Choosing Software for Clinical Data Management

With clinical trial data management, becoming increasingly popular and essential in the medical industry, electronic data capture (EDC) systems are needed now more than ever. Electronic data capture systems allow researchers and medical professionals to create detailed case reports, upload them onto online databases, and access them directly from any electronic devices including desktops, laptops,…

Video of ClinicalPURSUIT

ClinicalPURSUIT – Affordable Full Featured Electronic Data Capture

ClinicalPURSUIT’s Affordable Full Featured Electronic Data Capture Clinical PURSUIT’s affordable electronic data capture (EDC) system has smart configurations in its base design which allow it to read data entries and highlight any that do not match the general scope of entries during the clinical trial. This ability allows researchers to immediately discover errors during data…

Patient Safety and SAE Monitoring in Clinical Trials

Why Patient Safety and SAE Monitoring Plan is Crucial

Clinical trials are intense, and researchers are constantly on their toes performing all the functions, collecting data, communications, and reporting. Despite the busy schedules and planning, no clinical trial can happen without appropriate patient safety measures. Most patient-related trials involve testing, which means there are new pharmacological agents and medical equipment around when the tests…