researcher conducting clinical research.

Everything You Need to Know About Clinical Research

In the dynamic landscape of modern medicine and therapeutic development, clinical research takes center stage, thoroughly examining the safety and effectiveness of promising advances in patient care. Distinguished from laboratory research, it involves dedicated volunteers, providing valuable insights into medicine and health. Through these research studies that include using state-of-the-art technology such as EDC systems,…

remote site monitoring

How to Maintain Data and Reporting Integrity in Remote and Mobile Trials

Did you know that according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, remote and mobile trials have shown promising results in improving participant recruitment and retention rates? However, without proper measures in place, data and reporting integrity can be challenging. With the increasing adoption of remote and mobile trial methodologies, it is…

Technology can shape the future of clinical trials

Areas That Will Define the Future of Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are at the forefront of medical research, driving advancements in healthcare, treatment options, and our understanding of various diseases. As technology continues to evolve and the healthcare landscape transforms, several key areas are poised to shape the future of clinical trials. Let’s explore the exciting developments and trends that will define the future…

Differences between clinical trials and clinical studies

The Differences Between Clinical Trials and Clinical Studies

In the realm of medical research, the terms ‘clinical trial’ and ‘clinical study’ are often used interchangeably. However, there are subtle differences between clinical trials and clinical studies that are important to understand. Let’s explore the differences between clinical trials and clinical studies and shed some light on their unique characteristics and purposes. Clinical Trial:…